OQ Chemical

Brothers & Sisters




OQ Chemicals crew, 


We have earned the opportunity to vote UNION YES this Thursday and Friday (Dec 19 & 20) and win new workplace rights, representation and a permanent voice on the job. 


During this final stretch, expect management, even top executives, to ask for a “second chance” to do better and make things right. Expect scare tactics disparaging unions. They will try to separate and divide us. But remember: the company’s messaging is intended for one thing only: to keep us “at will” where management retains sole power and control. 


Look at the power we’ve already created by organizing. We’ve triggered “Status Quo” protections by filing for the union election, stopping further cuts planned by the company. And for the first time, management is coming to the workers to engage. 


We keep that power by sticking together and voting UNION YES. Status Quo protections become permanent, and the company must come to the bargaining table to negotiate with the workers. An overwhelming YES vote creates power at the table to secure a strong contract that we are all proud of. Let’s win this! 




OQ Chemicals Organizing Committee & IUOE Local 564






The NLRB has set a date for the election, it will be held on:

December 19th and December 20th

Time and place info is below.

Please use the links below to get a t-shirt and let us know if you plan to attend the vote on the 19th or 20th.

Remember we need maximum participation on election days. You’ve all seen the power you have when everyone moves as one unit. We must keep that momentum though out the election process and into the contract negotiations. If any one has questions about any part of this process please do not hesitate to reach out to any of the Organizing committee or myself. I am available any time via email, phone or text. 


Election information is below:


In solidarity 

Michael Peña


Email Mike

Call Mike

The truth about Seyfarth Union Busters

IUOE Local 564

2120 N Brazosport Blvd.

Richwood, TX 77531





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